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Water content from analysis of freeze-dried thin sectionsWARNER, R. R.Journal of microscopy (Print). 1986, Vol 142, Num 3, pp 363-369, issn 0022-2720Article

Untersuchungen an Porzellanglasuren mit Hilfe des Rasterelektronenmikroskops und der Elektronenmikrosonde = Etude des glaçures céramiques à l'aide de la microscopie électronique à balayage et d'une microsonde électronique = Investigating porcelain glazes with the aid of scanning electron microscopy and an electron microprobeHAMMER, H; KRANZ, J.CFI. Ceramic forum international. 1986, Vol 63, Num 4-5, pp 204-210, issn 0173-9913Article

Electron probe microanalysis of unopened fluid inclusions, a semiquantitative approachMAASKANT, P.Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie Monatshefte. 1986, Num 7, pp 297-304, issn 0028-3649Article

Accumulation d'aluminium dans les fissures des cailloux d'horizon Bs de sols podzoliques et A1C de sols andiques = Aluminium accumulation in the fissures of atomes of the Bs horizon of podzolic soils and in A1C horizon of andic soilsGUILLET, B; BOUDOT, J. P; EISENKOPF, A. L et al.Réunion internationale de micromorphologie des sols. 7. 1987, pp 289-294Conference Paper

A new method for determining the thickness and composition of thin layers by electron probe microanalysisHUNGER, H.-J; BAUMANN, W; SCHULZE, S et al.Crystal research and technology (1979). 1985, Vol 20, Num 11, pp 1427-1433, issn 0232-1300Article

Détermination d'échantillons standards pour les analyses quantitatives à la microsonde électroniqueCHEN KEQIAO; WANG WENYING; HUANG JIN et al.1986, Num 18, pp 247-256Article

Datation de la monazite à la microsonde électronique : méthodologie, performances et limites = Monazite dating with the electron microprobe: methodology, performances and limitsMONTEL, J. M; VESCHAMBRE, M; PROVOST, A et al.Réunion des Sciences de la Terre. 1996, Num 16, 210Conference Paper

Electron beam analytical instruments and the determination of modes, spatial variations of minerals and textural features of rocks in polished section = Instruments d'analyse par faisceau d'électrons et détermination des modes variations spatiales des minéraux et des caractéristiques texturales en section polieNICHOLLS, J; STOUT, M. Z.Contributions to mineralogy and petrology. 1986, Vol 94, Num 3, pp 395-404, issn 0010-7999Article

New accurate Bence-Albee α-factors for oxides and silicates calculated from the PAP correction procedureKATO, T.Geostandards and geoanalytical research. 2005, Vol 29, Num 1, pp 83-94, issn 1639-4488, 12 p.Article

Digitized cathodoluminescence imaging of minerals. DiscussionSTEELE, I. M; REMOND, G.Scanning microscopy. 1991, Vol 5, Num 3, pp 611-618, issn 0891-7035Article

Inter-element relationsips from microprobe analysis using multivariate statistical methods = Relations inter-élément à partir d'analyse de microsonde utilisant des méthodes de statistiques multivariablesCLARK, D. R; BRACEWELL, J. M; PATERSON, E et al.Micron and microscopica acta. 1985, Vol 16, Num 3, pp 151-157, issn 0739-6260Article

Quantitative electron microprobe determination of oxygen in metal layers covered by surface oxide films = Détermination quantitative par microsonde électronique de l'oxygène dans des couches de métaux recouvertes d'oxydeWILLICH, P; OBERTOP, D; TOLLE, H. J et al.X-ray spectrometry. 1985, Vol 14, Num 2, pp 84-88, issn 0049-8246Article

Transmission rate of electrons for carbon films used as the foil of the foil lensSUGIYAMA, S; HIBINO, M; MARUSE, S et al.Journal of electron microscopy. 1984, Vol 33, Num 4, pp 323-328, issn 0022-0744Article

The electron microprobe analysis of the C-S-H phases in a 136 year old cement pasteRAYMENT, D. L.Cement and concrete research. 1986, Vol 16, Num 3, pp 341-344, issn 0008-8846Article

Technique simplifiée d'analyse élémentaire des particules minérales pulmonaires recueillies par lavage alvéolaire = A simplified technique of elementary analysis of pulmonary mineral particles collected by alveolar lavageOZENNE, G; MALANDAIN, J. J.Archives des maladies professionnelles de médecine du travail et de sécurité sociale. 1986, Vol 48, Num 5, pp 329-335, issn 0003-9691Article

Dynamique de l'échange des ions lors du traitement du verre par les nitrates fondus du potassium et de l'argent = Ion exchange dynamics during glass treatment by molten potassium and silver nitratesJELACIC, C; BARISIN, D.Silicates industriels. 1985, Vol 50, Num 11-12, pp 149-159, issn 0037-5225Article

Nonisothermal diffusion in single-phase Ta-W diffusion couples = Diffusion non isotherme dans les couples de diffusion Ta-W à une phaseROMIG, A. D. JR; CIESLAK, M. J.Journal of materials science letters. 1986, Vol 5, Num 3, pp 299-302, issn 0261-8028Article

Characteristics and applications of the precision sample current microanalysisBITTERLICH, M.Crystal research and technology (1979). 1986, Vol 21, Num 4, pp 555-566, issn 0232-1300Article

The application of electron microprobe to dating of U-Th-Pb uraninite from the Karkonosze granites (lower silesia) = Application de la microsonde électronique à la datation d'uraninite U-Th-Pb provenant des granites Karkonosze, Basse-SilésieKUCHA, H; LIS, J; SYLWESTRZAK, H et al.Mineralogia Polonica. 1986, Vol 17, Num 2, pp 43-47, issn 0032-6267Article

Amorphous calcium phosphate in the stylets produced by a marine worm (Nemertea)STRICKER, S. A; WEINER, S.Experientia. 1985, Vol 41, Num 12, pp 1557-1559, issn 0014-4754Article

X-ray fluorescence analysis in the scanning electron microscopeGOLOB, P.Mikrochimica acta (1966. Print). 1985, Vol 2, Num 1-2, pp 1-14, issn 0026-3672Article

Reduction of the probe diameter through the correction of spherical aberration by the foil lensHANAI, T; HIBINO, M; MARUSE, S et al.Journal of electron microscopy. 1984, Vol 33, Num 4, pp 329-334, issn 0022-0744Article

Virtual standard for wavelength-dispersive electron-probe microanalysisMERLET, Claude; LLOVET, Xavier; DUGNE, Olivier et al.Mikrochimica acta (1966. Print). 2008, Vol 161, Num 3-4, pp 427-432, issn 0026-3672, 6 p.Conference Paper

Evaluation of the odd-even effect in limits of detection for electron microprobe analysis of natural mineralsVERMA, Surendra P; PANDARINATH, Kailasa; VELASCO-TAPIA, Fernando et al.Analytica chimica acta. 2009, Vol 638, Num 2, pp 126-132, issn 0003-2670, 7 p.Article

Monazite end members and solid solutions: synthesis, unit-cell characteristics, and utilization as microprobe standards = Termes finaux et solutions solides de monazite: synthèse, caractéristiques de la cellule unitaire et utilisation comme standards de la microsondeMONTEL, J. M; LHOTE, F; CLAUDE, J. M et al.Mineralogical Magazine. 1989, Vol 53, Num 1, pp 120-123, issn 0026-461XArticle

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